Monday, November 2, 2009

Trip down memory lane

***BEWARE*** Some of the following pictures may be difficult for some readers to see.

So I have been trying to encourage some of my friends to send in some pics of themselves when they first started SL Gor. Needless to say no one wanted to come forth, soooo I shall go the first. I am very proud of my journey and my progression in fashion over the past 4 years. Below are some outfits that I would have worn to a formal event at the time. Buckle up your tarn belts, its going to be a bumpy ride through memory lane.

Margie 2006- Pre-flexi
Friend's 2nd Rez Day dinner party outfit
-During the pre flexi phase of SL Gor FW fashion there were linden skirts and Victorian stiff prim work. Authentic FW dresses are not possible to make with the limited technology.

Margie 2007- Post Flexi/ Pre-Sculptie
My Rez Day dinner Party
-Post Flexi/ Pre-Sculptie- There was still a reliance on stiff prims to create details that textures could not. We still see dresses that would have up to 200-600prim.


Margie 2008- Post sculptie
2008 new years party
-Post Sculptie- There are now dresses that have sculptie parts. Sculptie was slow in getting into FW fashions. We have a push to more realistic styles.


Margie 2009 Post Sculptie/ Post Realism
My Rez Day dinner party
(I'd like to thank Lady DONATELLE ROSSINI for this style idea)

-Post Realism- Now we see almost half of the dresses sold are made with at least 30% sculpties. Scarfs and other accesories that were impossible before sculpties are being widely produced.


***Please send in your pics with your name in the heading along with the year. Send to Margie Meng*****

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