Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Interview with Luxianna Aeon

Margie Meng: I am here today with Lady Luxianna Aeon, owner and creator of Lux Aeterna. Thank you very much for coming this evening, its always a pleasure to have talent here on the set.
Luxianna Aeon: Thank you for asking me, it’s a thrill

Margie Meng: First question: How did you discover sl and why did you stay?
Luxianna Aeon: I first came to SL in 2006 and I have no idea how I found out about it. honestly, I can’t remember. Now it seems like I have just always been here. I think I might have read about it in a magazine or something
Margie Meng: Are you involved at all in the sl Gorean community?
Luxianna Aeon: I am somewhat. I try to roleplay but I easily get caught up in a new outfit. I am kind of obsessive compulsive about them once I start.

Margie Meng laughs "If I had your talent with making clothes I would too! What are some of the things you create?"
Luxianna Aeon: well I started with furniture actually, then moved to clothes, mainly Free Women’s. After awhile I started into silks for girls, then boys, and recently put out my first outfit for Free Men. I have also been making costumes for non-gorean rp, things like cyborgs or nekos
Luxianna Aeon: mostly I do gorean free women, however
Luxianna Aeon: that’s what I enjoy

Margie Meng: What got you interested in sl fashion?
Luxianna Aeon: hmm, for awhile I didn’t see a lot of Free Womens clothes I liked. A lot of the things I saw were drab and boring. So I started making things I would want to wear. Now there are a lot of designers for Gorean Fashions I admire

Margie Meng nods "How did this interest translate into opening the store? "
Luxianna Aeon: I already had the shop for the furniture and it wasn’t doing too well. My female friends were very encouraging with my designs and I was giving them out to them. People would ask my friends where they got the outfit and sales started to increase. A friend of mine owns Tigereye Designs, and early on, he and Siona would really encourage me
Margie Meng smiles "Oh I love Tigereye! I am glad they encouraged you, because your designs give a new flavor to FW fashion.
Luxianna Aeon: Next thing i know, I just kept growing
Luxianna Aeon: yes Val and Siona are great!
Margie Meng: What is the main inspiration for the collect? Is there a certain time period or region on Earth or Gor that you draw on?
Luxianna Aeon: Not really. I am inspired by my moods, and trust, I am moody, haha. Sometimes I want something flowing and bright, other times severe and dark. I tend to look a lot at earth fashions, see what’s popular and try to work it in. Whether it’s on Gor or Earth, I think women like pretty things and fashion.Luxianna Aeon: Like with the houndstooth tunic, or the Tinsel gown, they were inspired by current earth trends
Margie Meng: I definitely see the modern earth inspiration in your dresses. I think my favorite part of your collection is that your outfits come with quality OOC clothing, that people will actually want to wear. I have seen many designers attempt to include OOC clothing extras but you're the first to actually create stylish, modern and quality extras. How do you do it and where do you get inspiration for these stylish OOC clothes.
Luxianna Aeon: I like the idea of being able to go from a role play scene in gor, to say shopping on Earth or dancing in a club just by changing a piece or two. The outfit I am wearing right now was inspired by a Ukranian designer. I knew I wanted a certain look and feel, so I started surfing around the internet, looking for inspirations and found her collection. I have others though those are inspired by a piece of fabric I liked, or even by Lady Gaga
Margie Meng: Very interesting! I have talked to many of my friends and at times we can look at one of your dresses and see the inspiration from current fashions or TV which is a very refreshing break from some of the conventional Gorean inspiration

Margie Meng: Which is your favorite outfit and why?
Luxianna Aeon: oh my, hmm. I think the one I have done most recent is always my favorite. I see older stuff and hate it, or think how can I make it better? Hmm, Tattered Elegance I have loved, The Cobalt and Amethyst dress I wear a lot. I think I like those two because you don’t see much around like them. Especially with the Cobalt, it’s such a bold outfit, very colorful
Luxianna Aeon: Oh wait, and the Wanderer, I love that one, too
Margie Meng: One of my favorites as well *chuckles* I will have to get another for my daughter.
Margie Meng laughs "so many good ones to pick from"

Margie Meng: What goes into making one of your dresses?
Luxianna Aeon: A lot of time, Mostly. I had no idea how Photoshop and GIMP worked when I began, so I fumbled around a lot learning. It’s a big learning process actually. Trying to make each one better with folds and shading and highlights. I was a fine arts major in my 20s, so luckily I understand some of the basics
Margie Meng: I think that attention to detail and taking time to learn makes all the difference between the FW designers who are great and those who are average
Luxianna Aeon: It’s also time consuming finding the right textures. It’s aggravating to have an idea and not be able to find the texture you want
Luxianna Aeon: yes, there are some amazing designers out there who have it down. They inspire me to do better

Margie Meng laughs "That is why I would never make it as a designer because I just don't have the patience. If you were to give one reason for why people should buy your things what would it be?
Luxianna Aeon: oh my, hard question! Hmm, well if people like my designs I would hope they would support me, ha. I do this for fun, mostly, because I enjoy it. It does get costly to rent stalls all over and buy sculpties to add realism, but I look at this as a hobby, in a way. I do take a lot of encouragement from sales, simply because it tells me I am doing something creative that people enjoy.

Margie Meng: What is new for this season?
Luxianna Aeon: Right now I’m concentrating on warm things. Currently I’m working on a new kilt and sweater set, and a revision of the Tattered Elegannce set. I also hope to build a good inventory of Mens clothes. I am a pastry student, so between working full time and going to school, I don’t always put out as much as I like. I am already looking ahead to spring, though, with some bright, breezy dresses
Luxianna Aeon: The Tinsel dress I put out for the holidays sold well, too, which surprises me. So i think more romantic offerings in that vein as well
Margie Meng: We are very much looking forward to your new spring dresses!
Margie Meng: What is the most difficult part of your job?
Luxianna Aeon: Not having enough time during the school year. Sometimes the ideas start backing up inside my head and I get frustrated. Sometimes market managers annoy the hell out of me, ha, but that’s just part of the territory I suppose

Margie Meng laughs "I definitely know how you feel about the school year. I am currently in College and I don't get nearly as many post and events done as I would like. Indeed very frustrating! What is your favorite part of your job?
Luxianna Aeon: I think seeing people in something I created. I like to visit the cities I have shops in, RP a little. I was captured in a combat zone by a woman wearing various pieces of several of my outfits. As she was dragging me out, she pulled me right past a slave wearing one of my silks. It was kind of a cool moment for me.
Margie Meng chuckles "I bet!"

Margie Meng: How has your Second Life change since becoming a designer?
Luxianna Aeon: Being an SL designer has changed both my SLife and my First Life. It’s really made me more confident in my design abilities, which is nice. In SL specifically, it mellowed me out a little. I enjoy my time here more now because it has more of a purpose and is less about the role play and some of the drama that is invariably connected to it
Luxianna Aeon: Oh yeah
Luxianna Aeon: and I’m not spending as much of my real life money on it!
Margie Meng laughs "At times like that I wish I had some building ability!"
Luxianna Aeon: It can get expensive, for sure. New skins, hair, clothes, naughty bits...yikes
Luxianna Aeon: the amount of Lindens I have spent on hair alone
Margie Meng: Oh yes, I nearly fainted when I calculated the worth of my Gorean wardrobe alone.

Margie Meng: Last question, how did you come up with the name of the store?
Luxianna Aeon: There is a song I like called Lux Aeterna, I think it was on the soundtrack for Requiem of a Dream. I found it particularly beautiful and inspiring. Plus it kind of worked with my name, since most people call me Lux
Margie Meng smiles "On behalf of my readers and FGFW group members I would like to say thank you for your time. We would also like to thank you for your contribution to the sl Gorean fashion community."
Luxianna Aeon: Thank you for your interest in my shop!

Recent Spring release

Margie's After Thoughts- It was a pleasure to meet the person who created some of my most unique and imaginative dresses. Whenever I get sick of wearing Medieval or robes of concealment I think of Lady Lux. Against popular belief there is more than enough room for artistic interpretation and imagination when it comes to sl Gorean fashion. After all it is Second Life and imagination is king here.
**Please note that this interview was done 2 months ago**

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