Monday, December 28, 2009

Makeover Gorean Edition #1- New Assistant

Tal Ladies!
This weekend a friend of mine from Urth decided to come live with me as an assistant and companion. Because she doesn't have a Gorean family and will not be actively rp she is caste neutral. She wanted to be able to fit in when we go to Gorean sims and events, so I decided she needed a Gorean makeover. I needed outfits that would not draw too much attention, and would look of good quality but not extravagant. For this project we decided to stick to a black, white and brown color set.



Her first look is my favorite dress from Seamstress of Skjern, it is called The Scroll Keeper in black. I thought it would be perfect for the office when we are doing work. The corset that goes from just below the breast to the waist gives the appearance of a smaller waist. I absolutely love the lighting that was done on the skirt, giving a more realistic depth to the folds. This is a good quality dress that is perfect for scribes and scribe assistants. The hair is Hallie from Truth. She needed a demure, but beautiful hair style that would look as though it were effortless to create.
The next dress is Dora in black by Demure Designs, I got this dress specifically for interviews and dinners. It can be dressed down with a scarf and dress dressed up with a necklace.

The last dress is Hilary in Cocoa also from Demure Designs. I thought this would be the perfect dress for traveling to Gorean cities. It is caste neutral, sensible, and it also has the look of quality fabric. Add this cloak from Lions & Butterflies and you have a perfect outfit for traveling. The hair is also from Truth, and it is a perfect short ponytail that clasps at the nap of the neck.

Dress 1:
Scroll Keeper in black by Seamstress of Skjern
Hair- Hallie from Truth

Dress 2:
Dora in Black from Demure Designs

Dress 3:
Hilary in Cocoa by Demure Designs

Isabella in black by Lions & Butterflies

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